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Sunflowers welcome visitors
Flowers decorate the new walkway
3 Sisters Garden explained
Meditation Garden in bloom
Therapeutic Garden
Medicine Wheel
Medicine Wheel
Outdoor Class
Jack-in-the-Beanstalk Sculpture
2017SVBG Classes 7-26-17_2
Hill City Master Gardener Association members 7_19_2017
Fun Day July11 Childrens Garden
Childrens Garden

New for '22

Information Kiosk
Photos, maps, pamphlets, events, acknowledgements
Lilly of the Valley & Solomon's Seal
Bloomed this year on
   Easter Sunday
Music Garden
Garden goal: Produce a healthier community

By Sharon Kinsey
News & Record / February 19, 2018



If you visit the Southern Virginia Botanical Gardens at South Boston’s Edmunds Park this spring, you’ll find the “Healthy Harvest Community Garden,” a 30’ x 100’ strip of land designed to address the top two health issues in Halifax County: diabetes and heart disease.


If you would like to help plant or harvest the crops or help maintain the garden, make plans to attend a community information meeting Tuesday, March 20 at 6 p.m. at the Washington Coleman Community Center.

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